Training courses for General Practitioners

Cynergex provides a suite of courses in the management of medical and surgical emergencies in general practice.

Our courses for General Practitioners.

Our courses range from an extended CPR course to advance life support courses, customised to the needs of urban, rural and remote general practices.

Cynergex provide CPR updates for GPs at the GPCE Conferences in Sydney (May), Melbourne (July), Brisbane (August) and Perth (November). Bookings are made directly with RX Global (previously known as Reed Education) via their web site

CPR for the Medical Practice Team

Our CPR courses are designed to enhance team work and advanced care within the general practice. The course integrates CPR, team CPR, and defibrillation.

This is not the normal public CPR course. This is CPR for the general practice team and best held on-site in your practice.

Make an inquiry

Management of Medical Emergencies in the General Practice

This course is specifically designed by Cynergex to provide GPs with ALS training relevant to general practice. Our focus is on Crew Resource Management (CRM) and how to manage the practice team in any emergency.

The course looks at the most common emergencies including acute coronary syndrome, cardiac arrest, altered conscious state, CVA, TIA’s, respiratory emergencies, hypoglycaemia, anaphylaxis, trauma and multi-trauma.

Make an inquiry

Interested in one of our training courses for your practice? Get in touch today.

Use the contact form on this page for more information, or call us on 1300 793 649.

1300 793 649

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